Monday, August 30, 2010

Que Sera Sera

Life is good. I'd even call it great. But the times, they are a-changin'. Tomorrow night, I leave on a bus for Chiapas, Mexico. A few days to explore San Cristobal and the surrounding area, then we have our Special Assembly Day in Tuxtla-Guttierez. Funny, that's where we started our trip last year, staying at the Assembly Hall with Julian and Mimi.

Directly after the assembly, I'll get on a bus with Vince, Jacinta, Kent, and Kirstie. From there, it's off to Nicaragua. WHAT? I know. We're taking a two week service/surf/spying out the land trip. We'll pass through Guatemala, spend a few days in El Salvador, roll through Honduras and land in Nicaragua. We'll be staying in San Juan del Sur and visiting the English congregation in Chinandega, Nicaragua. There shall be a having of the surf, and a seeing of the land. I'm hoping by the time I come back, I'll have a better idea of what my next move should be. Things are so good in Puerto, but I'm trying to follow my head at least half as much as my heart. It would be nice if someone made these life changing decisions for me, but I fear this is one that can't be outsourced. Bueno, on to the pictures.

Holly, lover of all creatures big and small.
Example of creature "small":
Ben stood and delivered his first Public Talk. Nailed it.
One of these things does not belong:
Vinny lovingly tending to the Kingdom Hall with a machete.
The perfect treat after a long day in the ministry.
Alright folks, this is it. I may or may not be able to update again for the next three weeks. If I can, I will, and if I can't, I won't. Everything is so excellent at the moment, I don't want anything to change. But inevitably, they do. And they will. Pero todo esta bien. Por que? Porque que sera sera.

Whatever will be, will be.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Mi Hija!!! Have a wonderful time servicing, surfin and spying out the land!!! I am so excited for you and know your adventures will continue!!! LOVE YOU MUCHO!!! Mama :o)


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