Monday, August 23, 2010

Go Therefore, And Make Disciples of People Of All The Nations

As lovely as a place Puerto Escondido is, there is no point in being here if it wasn't for the ministry. There is no activity more rewarding than being used by Jehovah to help people get to know him and harmonize their lives with what the Bible really teaches. Seeing people freed from false teachings and fear of the future is a privilege and a joy. 

There are definitely days when it's harder than others, but even the hardest day brings its own delight. "O Jehovah God...a day in your courtyard is worth a thousand elsewhere." (Psalm 84:8-10) In a typical ministry day, we either do canvasing (looking for English speakers) or not at homes (locating said English speakers), along with letter writing, return visits, informal, Bible studies, and juggling.
Kent, the jack of all trades who used to be in the circus. At least, he dabbled in trapeze artistry. I'm not even kidding. This guy has done everything.

Transportation is always an issue. By using some combination of collectivos, motorbikes, cars and walking, we all manage to get to and from the territory just fine. Graciela lets the service group use her car as much as necessary, all she asks as that instead of using gas, we use manpower.
Actually, we left the car on while her and Michael were on a super long, super good call to prevent us from incinerating, and it punished us by dying.

Nathan and Ruth have ideal transport - a truck with four seats in front, and forty seats in back. I often elect for the truck bed, it affords me opportunities for fresh air and drive-by witnessing.
Graciela, Holly, Chelsea, Ruth
Ben is back! He's been serving in Puerto since 2007. We met him, Haley (Ben's sister) and Pete last year. Since then, Haley and Pete are back in Australia (and dating), and Ben went to Canada to work. Now he's back, and from the looks of things he's rather at home again.
I love the sky and the shadows in that picture. I took it from the back of Nathan's truck, while cruising with Chiaki and Ken, a brother from New York.
Of course, no day would be complete without a baby animal sighting. I think these puppies were taking their first glances at the world outside of "under the tractor".
While following Ben on our bikes to a Bible study, a precious black kitten ran across his path. We pulled over and after making friends with it, Ben decided he had found his new mascota (pet). Unfortunately, it turns out his landlords have a strict "no mascotas" policy. It's really rather tragic, and if there is a workaround to be had, you can bet we will have it.

The cat was a lot cuter than the picture lets on. Of course, I could be blinded by kitty-love. Oh and hey, that's my motorbike in the background! Assorted ministry pictures to follow.

Michael and Diana, from Mexico City
Jared, Ben, Oggy and I went to Huatulco for our "weekend" to soak up a bit of civilization and ministry. Seeing a movie, eating the world's best French toast, a shoe-shine in the park, it was all enough to refresh our souls. We stayed with Melissa (Nathan's sister) and Jason, who are here from Canada with their two young kids spying out Mexico.
Witnessing with Melissa, Katy, Nicolai, and Oggy.
It's going to be near impossible to leave my Bible students. I know Jehovah will look after them, but they are truly my friends and potential sisters. Below is Clara, the woman Crystal and I found at the cheese shop in the market, modelling my helmet. We have been studying a couple of times a week, and we get along like amigas of old.
Then there is Janely, a 13 year old girl who was born in LA and is the only member of her family that speaks English. Bronnie turned her over to me when she left. She has started coming to all the meetings, and gave her first answer ever at the meeting last Wednesday. I thought my heart was going to explode with joy.
Some days are muddier than others in the ministry. While some remain unscathed, like Chiaki and Jared...
Others fall prey to mud sink holes, such as myself.
I shouldn't have bothered getting cleaned up after that, because I turned the corner to see Nathan trying to single handedly push a Volkswagon out of the mud. A woman and her two kids had gotten themselves seriously stuck. I threw off my shoes and hopped in the mud. With a combination of physics and brute strength under Nathan's command, we pushed that sucker out of the mud. 
The woman brought us buckets of water to rinse off, we cleaned up and gave her a Spanish "Would You Like To Know the Truth" tract. Another victory for the Witness Action Adventure League!
Now for all those San Dieagans out there, if we had been in the ministry for two and half hours and had just used all of our vital force to push a car out of the mud in the tropical heat, what would we do?

We'd get Better Buzz.

However, this isn't San Diego. So what did we do?
Another block of territory.

You have to love it. Apparently, if it doesn't kill me, it's only going to make me stronger. 


  1. This is by far the best blog ever. Gave me chills in this sweaty city.

  2. Oh My Little Kumquat!!! What an adventure you are having! I am living vicariously through make me feel as though I was right there (and I almost was right there....sighhhhhhhhhhh) Love You Lots!!! Mama :o)

  3. No Better Buzz for you when you get home!! You probably won't want it anyway...we'll need to have some coconuts and takis on hand for your glorious comeback : )


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