Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some Like It Hot

But if it's too hot, you can always go to the waterfalls.
Or lay on the floor under a high speed ceiling fan.
Or go for a swim with your amigas.
Or dress as the locals do, encouraging cultural assimilation. 
Yes, Ben is dressed as a giant taco, why do you ask?
 When all else fails, strap on your helmet on and chug an jugo verde: orange, pineapple, celery, cucumber, spinach, cactus, parsley, and chayote. Cools you down, freshens you up.

So you see, there are options when it's hot outside.

1 comment:

  1. "And though it may scare both me and you, cobwebs are the homes of spiders."


Got something to say, have you? Dimelo!