Monday, July 5, 2010

100% Humidity And Rising

So now I can break the news to you. The previous post was written two days ago. That was before Crystal and I both decided to get deliriously ill. I anticipated getting sick at least once, but Mexico sucker-punched us when we weren't looking. I think it's just a combination of hot hot heat, little sleep, and eating a bad batch of--ugh. Can't even talk about it. The bottom line is we're starting to feel better. But Crystal is leaving tomorrow and that breaks my little heart. Who wouldn't want to come home to this?
The place we are staying is right behind a building where many of the Witnesses live. We met many of them Friday afternoon and we accompanied them to Carrizalillo, my favorite beach.

It's a 10 minute taxi ride and 10 minute hike down to this beach. Totally worth it. Consistently strong but gentle waves perfect for surfing, and little "restaurants" serving food and cold drinks. A family from the Spanish congregation conveniently rents surfboards here. I paddled out and had a solid 3:1 wipeout to ride ratio. Not bad.
Crystal had taken ill by Saturday morning, but I was still standing so I went in the field ministry and partnered with Jacinta. Jacinta and Vince are from Australia and are living here indefinitely. Vince is the only elder in the congregation, at least until Masa gets back from Japan. One of Jacinta's Bible studies, a 20-something girl from New York, had us inside for some hibiscus tea and animal playtime before our Bible discussion.
I thought I could stealthily capture the kitties, but I was caught! Claire, Jacinita's Bible student, said I could have any, or all of them. Temptress!
Saturday night, we went out in search of a hearty meal and the aforementioned Mexican popsicles. Stomach-of-Steel Sexton and Adventurama Crystalita thought it would be a good idea to eat at a local place in El Centro, instead of the mainstream restaurants along the boardwalk. That was all well and good, until I woke up at 2 am to yodel into the porcelain canyon. My yodelling finally woke Crystal up and we both laid around in a feverish state until we had to venture out and get sustenance.

JUST SAY NO TO HUEVOS RANCHEROS. The innocuous breakfast food turned one Christian youth from this:

to this: less than 24 hours. I attempted to reintroduce food in the form of chips and guacamole, the most innocuous food I could think of, last night. A few minutes later, I was laying with my head on the table, arms spread out. The waiter came by and stared at us from afar. "...Is everything...okay..?" he asked in Spanish."Yes sir, she's just a little sick," Crystal explained for me. I tried to raise my hand in acknowledgement when the sheer ridiculousness of the whole situation sank in. We laughed and laughed, and then passed out.
Today we are feeling better. Everyone from the hall has been lovely, dropping by to offer moral support and rehydration packets. Crystal leaves tomorrow, which is close to tragic. Is it wrong that even though we're experiencing most of the plagues of Egypt, we're kind of having a good time?
Crystal just woke up. The temperature has dropped a few degrees. We're off to the mercado. 

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