Monday, September 7, 2009

Buscando Por Ovejas

Progress made. We finally went out in service Sunday, first street work and then territory en campo. Mimi took us to the house where she thought the meeting for service was. It wasn´t. The brother home, however, busted out some chairs and his service bag and staged a informal meeting before sending us deep into their territory...his block. Zoe forced me to give all the introductions (COME ON!), and if they were receptive, my partner would take over. There is clearly a lot of respect for God and the Bible here.

At our first Spanish meeting, the whole crew got to answer! Nick loves it, he says we get to answer like little kids again and everyone will still think it´s great. I thought I was going to pass out every time I raised my hand, but Nick has a point, when no one is expecting anything, you can get away with everything. The Kingdom Hall is across the street from the assembly hall. There´s many children and everyone is as polite and affectionate as can be. MIMI IS HERE. I HAVE TO GO. I DO NOT KNOW WHEN WE WILL BE AT THE COMPUTER AGAIN BUT I LOVE YOU SO----------


  1. How great to hear from you accompanied by such lush and beauticious photos. Glad you are having such a wonderful time and sharing it here for your homefolk. xoxoxo

  2. All the photos so far are amazing! it looks like such a fun adventure. and chels i am sure you'll get to use your trusty flint soon. just remember those "i shouldnt be alive " episodes where they say they survived because of their over preperations. :) I love the post. keep em coming. and i miss both of ya!

  3. funny story..... my browser will not load your pictrues..


  4. Sharn - We knew all my computer prep would come in handy one day!

    Devin - We have utilized most if not all of our emergency provisions! An ounce of prevention is worth 29 extra pounds of luggage!

    Alysia - Noooooo! You must push the poison out of the computer's brain.

    Anonymous - I miss your fur.

  5. Zoe... hola soy Jaime, siempre si van a estar del 21 al 23 en Betel, porque si gustan el 24 y 25 que son fin de semana les puedo dar un tour por el estado de Hidalgo, si les gusta el Ecoturism, y los pueblos del bosque magico tienen que conocerlo, nomas me avisan para programarme y yo paso por ustedes. quedo al pendiente


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