Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”
Obviously this is one of those symbolic, figurative scriptures, in which the aforementioned beauty is visible only to heavenly entities. The way we're covering our territory has changed, and inside of canvassing region wide for English speakers, we're focusing on the houses we've already found. Houses may be an overstatement, as often the "house description" is "shack on stilts with green poles" or "junkyard with lots of abandoned cars."
Once we locate the pins on the map, we find the house by description as there is usually not street names or numbers. These locations may be hidden behind mountains, in ravines, or in plain sight, but guarded by vicious dogs and children. We go back six, yes six, times before leaving a letter. Some of these house require not a bit of effort to get to, and you can imagine our excitement upon trekking up the same hill on attempt number five or six.
For example, consider this territory:
We start from the highway and work our way up. See that house is the very top right corner? That's where we're going. Six times.
Attempt #1
In one of these territories, it was attempt number three and Bronnie, Nat, and Rachel (two girls from England) and I had just about given up on finding a certain block of houses. I was certain that success was elusive. We started our mission down the mountain and tried to look lively.
Suddenly: "I recognize that voice! That's Chelsea."
In my heat induced delirium I had no idea who was descending from the adjacent house, speaking fluent English. Then I recognized him, a man we had called on in the complete opposite side of town, an architect who spoke English and at the end of our visit had asked us for someone who could come and talk to him about the Bible once or twice a week. He had said he was almost impossible to find at home but gave us his card. And now we found him. Or he found us.
He came down the stairs.
Him: Would you be able to come to my house to study the Bible with me and my son this week?
Me: (thinking I might be hallucinating) Uh...yes. How's Thursday at 4:30?
Him: Perfect. See you then. Are you following me?
Us: (delirious laughter as we stumble down the hill, having accomplished something unexpectedly delightful)
Of course, some days are easier than others; some roads are easily accessible by motorcycle, sometimes we stop for juice or tacos on the side of the the road. Sometimes you get to be in an air-conditioned car and go on people's studies (I'm looking at YOU, Destroyer), but every day here so far I've had a passenger on the motorcycle and worked territory. Since I'm only here for other month I'm pushing a bit harder than I usually would, trying to soak up every bit of ministry goodness that I can. I can't wait for the campaign in November, where there will be a whole lot of this: