In 2009, fortunate and fortuitous circumstances led to an an extended stay in Mexico. There I discovered my second home and home base for preaching, teaching, and beaching like a beached, theocratic, sublimely happy aquatic mammal.
This blog is about pioneering, Mexico, the ocean, avocado smoothies, espaƱol, travel, surfing, writing, looking for large doors of activity to awkwardly cram myself through, dancing, cooking, playing the guitar at the rudimentary level, and the smell of coconuts. It's also a way of documenting for my friends, family, and self that "the blessing of Jehovah -- that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it." (Proverbs 10:22)
If you're wondering what pioneering is, email me and I'll explain.
If you know what pioneering is, that's great.
And if you know ME...well, that's even better, isn't it?